Events Detail

Title : LABOUR DAY (2018-19)

On 1st May the Columban family organized a memorial ceremony in remembrance of Br.Philip Cyril Christopher, who stood by the ethos of Edmund Rice with his commitment to the poor, underprivileged, sick and weak. He was well known for opening the doors of St. Columba’s to the lepers and homeless as a night shelter during his term as Principal. The boys and staff remembered him fondly and prayed for his soul to rest in peace.
The day also marked the celebration of Labour Day to honour and express heartfelt gratitude for the sincerity, hard work and ceaseless dedication of our workers. It was a pleasure to have Mr. Jacob, an ex staff member of St. Columba’s, as the chief guest who graced the occasion with his encouraging presence.
The Senior School students led the prayer service for the morning which was then followed by a short presentation and songs by the choirs of Junior and Middle School. Thereafter the students presented garlands, gifts and handmade cards to the helpers and workers, as a token of gratitude.
Also it was a proud moment for all of us as the Middle School Football team brought laurels to the school with their commendable achievement in the Br. Foran Memorial Football Tournament held at St. Mary’s, Mount Abu. Our students won the championship, with special titles in the Player of the Tournament and the Best Defender categories. The prizes were given away to the student achievers by the ex pupil of St. Columba’s, Dr. Dhawan. The day was made all the more special by the presence of a few retired staff members known for their dedication to the Columban Family. They were specially invited to grace the occasion. The programme culminated with an uplifting speech by our honourable Principal, Br. Miranda who appreciated and honoured the efforts of the workers.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 07 May 2018 |