Administrative Staff

The Administration at St Columba's

Central Administration (Location : Senior School - Cum Administrative Building)
  • Principal
  • Receptionist
  • Secretary
  • Accounts Office
    • Accountant : General
    • Accounts Asst. : Salaries
    • Office Asst. : Fees
  • System Administrator
Senior School (Location : Senior School - Cum Administrative Building)
  • Administrator
  • Receptionist / Secretary
Middle School (Location : Middle School Building : Ground Floor)
  • Headmistress
  • Receptionist / Secretary
Junior School (Location : Junior School : Ground Floor)
  • Headmistress
  • Receptionist / Secretary

Professional Expectations (Qualifications & Abilities):-

  • Graduate
  • Certified Secretarial Course
  • Fluency in English and Hindi
  • Welcoming personality
  • Good conversational skills
  • Ability to use telephone (intercom) facilities
  • Adept in the use of the computer, especially : Microsoft Office (Word, excel, power-point); access of the web. Ability to do basic computer maintenance.
Secretary (in addition to the qualifications and abilities of the receptionist)
  • Knowledge of the rules and regulations governing educational institutions in New Delhi
  • Knowledge of the rules and regulations of schools run by the Congregation of Christian Brothers in India.
  • Ability to draft correspondence
  • Filing, including the Personal files of all members of the staff
  • Ability to assist the Principal in all his duties
  • Liaison role over all administrative staff with particular responsibility regarding the Receptionist / Secretaries of the respective Headmistresses and Administrator.
Accountant : General
  • B.Com (Accountancy) Graduate
  • Certified course in the use of Tally (latest version and ability and willingness to keep up to date with relevant accounting packages)
  • Ability to maintain all books of accounts
  • Conversant with the norms and methods of auditing and preparing books of accounts as required by the school auditors
  • Ability to prepare and present budgets
  • Understanding and knowledge of taxation (e.g. VAT, Service Tax, GST, etc. as applicable to all entities with which the school has financial transactions) liabilities and ability to submit the same to the respective authorities.
  • Knowledge (understanding and ability to perform the necessary work related to) of Provident Fund, Gratuity and such Staff welfare provisions
  • Familiar with all Bank transactions (maintaining bank accounts, reading bank statements, bank reconciliation, investments, web / net banking, e-banking)
  • Able to learn and adapt to software used for school related work.
  • Adept in the use of the computer, especially : Microsoft Office (Word, excel, power-point); access of the web. Ability to do basic computer maintenance.
  • Fluent in English and Hindi
Accounts Asst. : Salaries (as per the requirements of the Accountant : General, with special emphasis on salary related accounting)
  • Ability to file PF Returns
  • Ability to file Tax Returns
Office Asst. : Fees (as per the requirements of the Accountant : General, with special emphasis on school fee related accounting)
  • In-charge of school transport related work and personnel
  • Keeping details of EWS and records / details regarding students on concessions
System Administrator
  • Qualification in computer hardware maintenance
  • Qualification in computer software designing and adequate computer software skills
  • Knowledge and practical ability to maintain all communication equipment
  • Versatile in the use of Microsoft Office (esp. Word, Excel and Power Point)
  • Ability to design and maintain websites
  • Understanding and ability to use school e-applications

General Expectations

Role : In a world that has seen a drastic shift in emphasis from the simple to the complex in the domain of administration, the role of cannot be overemphasised. It is through the administrative staff that the organisation derives its propulsion.
Personal Responsibility
  • Each member of the administrative staff is to accomplish the work assigned to them thoroughly.
    • That is, as per their professional qualifications and expectations at the time of employment and consequently as decided by the Management through the Principal, the work assigned must be done conscientiously. Any submission to the Principal or any other colleague is to be worked at and checked thoroughly.
    • Each member of the administrative staff will be held personally answerable and accountable for any situation pertaining to their department.
  • It is the responsibility of each member of the administrative staff to update oneself professionally and with such information which may be in line with one’s duties. This attitude is expected to prevail through the entire time of one’s service.
Team work
  • Often inputs from various members of the administrative staff is required to complete a particular assignment. It is expected that all members of the administrative staff work together as a team:-
    • Ensuring that their inputs are well worked at and accurate. Each person must bear responsibility for the part played in the process.
    • On occasion a team member may be unable to perform the assigned duties (e.g on leave) - it is the responsibility of the other members of the team to fill in for this person.
    • The team shall bear responsibility for covering up on a member’s mistakes, if it is found that the team was not vigilant in checking the data presented.
  • The administrative staff is often the public face of the school. Thus is expected that:-
    • Staff are punctual and are where they are expected to be
    • They are expected to be considerate and courteous to all (visitors, parents and students).
    • They are to efficient and prompt in their work
      • Recipients of services are not to kept waiting unnecessarily
      • If a request cannot be dealt with immediately the person informed should be informed and the circumstances explained
      • Guests should generally wait in the parlours and not be kept standing
Confidentiality: the administrative staff will often encounter information that is intimate, personal and private to people and the institution. It would be a breach of conduct for any administrative staff to disclose such information. Confidentiality is thus an indispensable quality for such a profession.
Loyalty to superiors, colleagues and to other members of the institution and to the institution itself, is a fundamental obligation to be valued.
The values of integrity, prudence and trust are the corner stones on which the administrative office functions. The personnel are to portray these values in dealing with all confidential and financial matters as well as to the security and preservation of documents. No information of any kind should be exchanged by anyone without the prior permission of the Head of the institution.
In a spirit of dedication and service, the administrative staff is expected to work without clock-watching or supervision.
  • Duty hours : 7.15am to 2.30pm (Mondays to Fridays) & 7.15am to 12.30pm (Saturdays).
  • Sundays and 2nd Saturdays of the month are holidays.