Headmistress / Headmaster / Administrator



The posts of Headmistress of the Junior School, the Headmistress / Headmaster of the Middle School and the Administrator of the Senior School were created by the Management of St Columba's School to assist the Principal of the school in the increasingly complex responsibility of administering an educational institution of this size.

The Junior School consists of students in 20 class rooms, from Classes K.G. to Class 3 (approximately 1000 students). The Junior School Headmistress is assisted in her duties by the Junior School Coordinator, a Secretary, Teachers and associate staff.

The Middle School consists of students in 35 class rooms, from Classes 4 to 10 (approximately 1750 students). The Middle School Headmistress / Headmaster is assisted in her duties by 2 Middle School Coordinators, a Secretary, Teachers and associate staff.

The Senior School consists of students in 12 class rooms, from Classes XI & XII (approximately 500 students). The Senior School Administrator is assisted in her duties by a Secretary, Teachers and associate staff.

The School expects that the potential Headmistress / Headmaster / Administrator:-

  • Has a vision for education at St Columba’s, in the particular section and for education itself.
  • Has a passion to follow through and bring to effect that vision
  • Has the ability to share this vision and passion; and to create a synergy in leadership in the school.
  • Has an ability to give considerable amounts of time to leadership in the school (daily coming well before school; leaving well after school hours; attending office on most Saturdays; being available for interaction with the School Core Team 24x7; willingness to come to school/ attend meetings / programmes, even during holidays, as the case may arise; attending to school matters with stakeholders 24x7).
  • Has Good health and energy
  • Has effective leadership skills
  • Has a Master’s degree, B. Ed (or corresponding course at Primary School level), and at least 10 years teaching experience; administrative experience will be a boon.

Role and Responsibilities

(Extract from the Constitutions and Rules for the Educational Institutions of the Congregation of Christian Brothers in India)

The Role and Responsibilities of a Headmaster/Headmistress/Administrator will be the guiding spirit in the functioning of the Headmaster / Headmistress / Administrator. In the execution of the functions given below, he/she will be guided by the following principles:

  • Empowerment of staff, students and parents of his/her particular section of the school (resourcing, working in partnership with, ensuring increasing responsibility)
  • Creating structures of justice among all persons involved in the section of the school he/she has charge of.
  • Concern for the harmonious growth of the "whole" person including the religious, moral, intellectual, cultural, physical, social and environmental education for the students and adult members of the section of the school he/she has charge of.

The Headmaster/Headmistress/Administrator will be held responsible for the areas outlined below:


  • The reporting of maintenance needs in his/her section of the school plant to the Principal and ensure that his/her section of the School buildings, its furniture and fixtures, office equipment, playgrounds, school garden and other properties are properly and carefully maintained.
  • Monitor staff attendance on a monthly basis.
  • With the other members of the Executive Committee, to be responsible for all employees in his/her section of the school in accordance with the rules laid down by the Governing Council.
  • At the time of handing over charge, the headmaster/headmistress/ Administrator shall prepare detailed “handing over notes” and a report aimed at a complete orientation to the incumbent.


  • Be responsible for:
    • a) Preparation of the School timetable, allocation of duties and teaching load of the teachers in his/her section.
    • b) Providing necessary facilities to the teachers in his/her section in the discharge of their duties.
    • c) Conducting of School and Board examinations.
    • d) Promotion and detention of students in his/her section, in consultation with the Principal.
    • e) Discipline in his/her particular section of the school, in consultation with the Principal.
  • Plan the year’s academic work in consultation with the staff and hold staff meetings at least once a month to (inter alia) review the work done during the month and assess the progress of the pupils.
  • Be responsible for curriculum development, assessment of syllabi, textbooks and prescribe changes in the above with the approval of the Executive Committee.
  • Supervise classroom teaching and secure co-operation and coordination amongst teachers of the same subject areas as well as inter subject co-ordination.
  • Monitor and track the progress of all financially poor and educationally weak students and report these findings to the Principal through the Executive Committee and thus ensure growth and educational excellence through equal opportunities. For example, arranging for special remedial teaching of the students belonging to the weaker sections of the community as also of other children who need such remedial teaching.
  • Plan and specify a regular timetable for the scrutiny of student’s written work and home assignments and ensure that the assessment and corrections are carried out effectively and on time.
  • Organise and co-ordinate various non-academic activities through the House system or in such other ways as he/she may think fit in consultation with the Executive Committee.
  • Develop and organise the Library resources and reading facilities in his/ her section of the school and ensure that the students and teachers have access to books and journals of established value and usefulness.
  • Ensure that a growing social awareness (concern and compassion for others in need) is developed in the students, through on-going, planned outreach programmes.
  • Ensure the spiritual development of all students through regular, planned Value Education and Catechetics classes.
  • Send the progress reports of the students regularly to the parents or guardians.
  • Conduct a class / subjects for at least 12 periods a week, preferably in the senior classes.
  • Send an Annual Report of his/her section to the Principal to appraise him of achievements and challenges, and areas of needed support in his/her section of the school.


  • Help and guide teachers to promote their professional growth, and towards this end actively encourage their participation in courses designed for in-service training and development. This should be done in consultation with the Principal and the Executive Committee.
  • Work together with the Co-ordination Team and Executive Committee in promoting team spirit and staff morale through programmes and systems for clearly determined two-way line of communication.
  • Communicate and reinforce school values, beliefs and objectives frequently to staff, students and parents.
  • Ensure that all new staff are acquainted with the values of Christian Brother Education through orientation programmes. This should be done in consultation with the Principal and other members of the Executive Committee.
  • Encourage opportunities for communication between and among staff, students and parents through regular meetings.
  • Be responsible for his/her own professional and personal development by availing of relevant resource opportunities which will expose him/ her to the new trends in education, school management, communication and personal skill development.
  • Motivate, guide and supervise the work of the teaching staff of the school.
  • The Headmaster / Headmistress / Administrator is the final authority for the teachers in the different sections when it comes to different activities in the section. They shall co-ordinate all activities in their respective sections in consultation with the Principal according to the Role and Responsibilities of a Headmaster / Headmistress.


  • In consultation with the Principal and Executive Committee, develop and document an Annual Plan for his/her section of the school which must reflect the overall school vision and mission and ensure staff participation in and ownership of the plan.


  • In consultation with the Executive Committee, network with school management from other Edmund Rice Schools and NGOs working for social concerns.
  • The Principal is to submit to the Governing Council each year a detailed written report on the performance and ability of the Headmaster / Headmistress / Administrator.