Educational Trip

Educational Trip To Russia 24th May - 01st June 2019

The school organised a seven day educational trip to Russia for thirty five students, providing them the unique opportunity to explore Russian history, art and culture through the beautiful cities of St Petersburg and Moscow. St Petersburg nicknamed ‘Venice of the North’ turned out to be a spectacular city with its lined water way and stunning architecture. The group enjoyed the cruise down the Neva river, were captivated by the impressive collection of artefacts at the Hermitage museum, feasted their eyes to the beautiful palaces and cathedrals, attended a Matryoshka doll painting workshop and watched Swan Lake, the classical Russian ballet that has become a symbol of Russian art. The excitement knew no bounds as they travelled from St Petersburg to the capital city of Moscow in the high speed Saspan train. Visiting the famous Kremlin complex, walking around the bustling Red Square, learning about space exploration at the Cosmonaut Museum, taking a tour of the beautiful Moscow Metro and the watching the mesmerising performances at the world acclaimed Nikulin Circus were a few experiences that’ll be savoured for a long time. The itinerary gave the students a sneak peep into Russian history from the tsarist beginnings, through the revolution, to the world war, communist regime to the present day. The group interacted with the locals, learnt a few Russian words and picked up Russian souveniers for their loved ones. It was a beautiful learning experience for all participants.

Consent Form Russia