Outreach Programme Detail

Title : CLASS-10 OUTREACH ( 2018-19 )

Dates : 4th May 2018 - 14th May 2018
Venue: Nirmal Hriday


Report compiled by: Mrs. R.taneja

The students of class 10 visited Nirmal Hriday , a Missionaries of Charity organization-  a home for destitutes .
Some sections were accompanied by volunteer parents who supported the class teachers to ensure that the day was fruitfully spent .

The students of all sections had prepared songs, dances , skits , collages etc and spent the mornings interacting with the inmates and involved them in singing and dancing .

All sections took gifts and articles of everyday use and / or gave cash donations. But more than material things it was heart warming to watch our boys encouraging the shy and reticent inmates to let their hair down and dance and sing with abandon like the children.

An overall enriching and sobering experience for our students to see that it is in selfless giving like the Sisters at Nirmal Hriday that we receive.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 04 Jun 2018 |