Senior School Events Detail


Annual Award Presentation Ceremony-2018

The annual award presentation ceremony for the academic year 2017-2018 was held on the 13th of July , 2018 in the Edmund Rice Hall. The chief guest of the day was Mr. Asutosh Lohia, who is Advocate Special Counsel, NDMC and Standing Counsel, Delhi Waqf Board.

The ceremony started at 9:00 am with the lighting of the lamp followed by the welcome address by the students. The award presentation was conducted very ably by Armaan Lilothia and Aditya Verma of class XII. The school band rendered the song - “Show what you are made of” which reflected the theme – Success amidst adversity. After the musical interlude, the prestigious awards were announced by Mr. N. Chopra and Br. Miranda. The award presentation was followed by the release of “The Columban” by the chief guest.

Mr. Lohia urged the students to dream big, work hard and remain focussed on their goals. He spoke about the importance of being compassionate and not losing one’s integrity in difficult situations in life.

Mr. N. Chopra proposed the vote of thanks and invited the guests for refreshments which were sponsored by Mrs. Bansal. The ceremony ended at about 11 am.

We would like to thank Mr. N. Chopra and Br. Miranda for their constant support and encouragement. A special thanks to all the teachers and members of the administrative staff for their help which enabled us to organize the event successfully.


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 13 Jul 2018 |