Outreach Programme Detail

Title : CLASS 8-A OUTREACH ( 2018-19 )


The students of class VIII-A paid a visit to the Salaam Baalak Trust on Wednesday, 8th august’2018.Salaam Baalak is an NGO working tirelessly for the street children. Columbans got to witness the lives of the underprivileged kids. The students were welcomed by the programme coordinator. She shared about the kind of work the organisation does. Both educational and emotional support is given to every member living there. Many young boys in the age group of 9-14 years attend a regular school. During the visit the students interacted with the kids. Columbans presented small gifts as a gesture of extending support to the underprivileged boys. Together they shared some lighter moments too.

Report by:

Ranjana Chug

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 09 Aug 2018 |