Middle School Events Detail


Date: 10th August 2018

Venue: St Xavier’s School

Topic: Gandhijisaid :

“ Forgiveness is a Virtue of the Strong “

Participants: IshaanSharda( 10 C)

TanmayManchanda( 10 E)


IshaanSharda and TanmayManchanda from Class 10 participated in the FrArrupe Memorial Inter School Declamation Contest 2018 on 10th August 2018 .


Our students both declaimed passionately on the topic referring to various instances of forgiveness peppering history from a dying Mahatma forgiving his assassin to Pope John Paul II visiting his would be assassin in prison offering him forgiveness .


Ishaan urged the audience to rouse their inner Mandela - to forgive , forget and move on .


Though the winning team was from Springdales School, it was a great learning experience for our lads who though disappointed at not winning are winners for us and did us proud by speaking with confidence and elan. They both received participation certificates.


We are grateful to MrsManchanda( a parent ) for accompanying the participants to and from the venue and boosting their confidence.


Rachana Taneja

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 13 Aug 2018 |