Outreach Programme Detail

Title : OUTREACH PROGRAMME - CLASS 5D & 5E (2018-2019)

The students of 5D and 5E, paid a visit to ARYA MAHILA SAMAJ, NEW RAJENDRA NAGAR, as a part of their outreach programme on 17/12/2018. The two classes were accompanied by their class teachers, Mrs Hima Simon, Mrs Dina Briganza and Mrs Kanika Khanduri. 

The students, after having lunch in the class were taken to the old age home in two buses from the school at 09.30 AM. Students were welcomed by the volunteers of  Arya Mahila Samaj and the inmates. The organizer of the programme, Ms Kritika gave a brief introduction about the old age home and the importance of caring for the aged people.  After the session, the students exhibited their talents in dance, music and guitar. They won some prizes too. Additionally, they were given an address on rehearsing yoga and taking a customary sound eating regimen for better development and advancement.

They were then taken by the volunteers for a visit around the old age home to meet the inmates.  The students interacted with the inmates and spent quality time with them.  They were given refreshments and a group photo was taken. The group reached back to school at 12.45 PM. The programme proved to be a very enriching experience for all the students.  

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 Jan 2019 |