Outreach Programme Detail


Date: 7th February, 2019

Venue: St. Mary’s Home for the Aged Women, Rajpur road, Delhi-30

The students of Class 7D accompanied by their class teacher and two parent volunteers visited St. Mary’s Home for the elderly women on 7th February, 2019.

The group set out for the venue at 9:30 am and reached there at around quarter past ten. Students presented a small programme which included songs, hymns and a speech appreciating the spirits of those ladies. Some students also danced and had a small beat boxing competition. Our students were full of love for those women as they considered them like their own grandmothers. So after the presentations, students simply sat around them and listened as they shared some insightful stories and recited beautiful couplets. The women loved the way our students interacted with them. Children also gave them handmade cards as they showered them with their blessings. At around half past eleven, we took their leave.

The students contributed some products of their need like tea leaves, refined oil, cake rusks, biscuits and juices. A cash contribution was also made. The visit proved to be extremely beneficial as it helped sensitise students with the problems faced by the elderly section of our society. Though the students spent only a few hours with them, the ladies made them realize the value of the elderly and the warmth and tenderness with which we need to love and take care of them. Students came back happy and richer by the experience of interacting with the women.

Class Teacher: Ms. Simrah Mehmood

Reported by: Ms. Simrah Mehmood

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 08 Feb 2019 |