Staff Orientation Detail


THE IDENTITY ORIENTATION program was conducted by the Principal, Brother Miranda, as a reflective process to dwell on each staff member's true identity through introspection.


The main focus of the orientation was as follows :


- Who are we?

- What are some of the ways in which we can follow our school motto? (Sapere Aude Sincere Et Constanter -"Dare to know sincerely and consistently"

- A quiet symbolic representation of one's personal values was a cutout, that was offered by each member of the staff.


The orientation program grouped together the staff members according to the number of years of teaching experience in St. Columba’s School.

During this orientation, Br. Miranda, shed light on the heritage of Christian brothers and their origin. He stressed upon open and honest communication between the staff members and underlined the fact that the teachers should inculcate the values of Blessed Edmund Rice in the students of our school. The onus is on us, as teachers, to keep the legacy of Edmund alive.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 07 Mar 2019 |