Outreach Programme Detail

Title : OUTREACH PROGRAMME - CLASS 1 (2018-19)

“The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”



We at St. Columba's School believe in the holistic development of the children which includes educating young minds to care for the community and the environment.

An OUTREACH PROGRAMME was conducted for class 1 students in the months of October-November to educate and sensitize them about animals and the plight of these mute friends of ours who deserve care and freedom.

Caring and working for the cause of animals is central for nurturing kindness and empathy among the learners.

As a part of the outreach programme, the organisation- PETA- PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS, was contacted to carry out a drive in the Junior wing.

PETA India is based in Mumbai. It operates under the principle that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on or use for entertainment.

It focuses on public education efforts, research, animal rescues, special events, etc. The PETA volunteers were invited to interact with the boys of grade 1 and create awareness among them. The boys were intrigued to see a film about the farm animals and how studies have proved that animals have feelings too. Seeing that animals have their own ways to convey the feelings made the boys ponder. There was a beautiful and captivating presentation to depict that animals too have families like ours and they grieve when a family member dies. The students were moved to see how animals love their baby animals and care for them.


Various activities were conducted in the classrooms as a part of the programme.


-Talk on animals

-Sensitising students towards animals.

-PETA-Talk and presentation by Ms. Puja Mahajan

-Power point presentation on Endangered Species.

-Quiz--Endangered Species

- Poster Making Activity

-Colouring Activity


The parents wholeheartedly supported the teachers and students in the noble cause and organised a memorable visit to the animal shelters. It was an enriching experience for the boys to reach out and contribute animal food products and other collected items of use for the animals.


As a finale to the programme, the boys of class 1 conducted an interesting assembly to create empathy among their fellow mates towards animals. During the presentation titled -“PLEASE ADOPT A STRAY” the students staged a short skit in rhymed verse to woo the young audience to adopt a stray dog as a pet. In an endearing dramatisation, the message of PETA - A stray is the best pedigree - was conveyed.

Boys showed colourful pictures of Endangered Animals and spoke about them. They appealed to their fellow mates to spread the message of protecting animals and stop killing them for their fur, skin, food, etc.

Music is a great medium of expression, and making a remarkable use of melody, the boys presented a group song titled ‘ I am kind to the Earth! ’

Beautiful book marks with slogans to save and protect animals were presented to the teachers by the students.

The programme indeed promoted awareness and sensitivity among the young Columbans towards animals and their protection.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 31 Mar 2019 |