Outreach Programme Detail

Title : OUTREACH PROGRAMME - CLASS 2 (2018-19)

Outreach activities and programmes form an integral part of the education in St. Columba’s. It encourages the students to get in touch with the community, reach out to various people and work for causes that concern the environment.

The outreach topic for the boys of class 2 was -Wealth out of Waste! The teachers of class 2 collaborated with the NGO -SAFE.

SAFE helps in the conservation of the environment by creating awareness among children. The organisation promotes making wealth out of waste and leading a healthy life in a clean environment.

An interesting and creative workshop was conducted on the 29th November 2018 by SAFE volunteer, Mr. Satish Kumar.

The students were encouraged to recycle and reuse things to contribute in reducing the consumption of non- biodegradable products.

Various craft activities were conducted and the children made beautiful and creative posters with dried leaves and gave them various forms and shapes like fish, dragonfly, butterfly, etc.

Discarded boxes, tooth paste covers, buttons, strings and ropes were used to make camera models. The boys proudly hung their cameras around their necks and posed as professional cameramen. Each and every child beamed with joy, showing their creative capabilities and talents, working independently on their own. The workshop was thoroughly enjoyed by teachers and students alike.

Through discussions, talks and PowerPoint presentations, the children were made aware of the 3Rs-REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE.

As a part of class activities, each section made beautiful and creative items making use of old newspapers, used tins, bottles, boxes, unused lids, bottle caps , covers, left over lace, ribbons, beads etc. Various items like flowers, flower vases, pen and pencil holders, mats, socks dolls, stones painted as paper weights, birds, etc., were created by the students.

There was a spectacular display of all these items during a Special Assembly conducted by the children on the 23rd February 2019.

This educative assembly was staged to make children aware of the importance of making Wealth out of Waste. The importance of the 3R’s was highlighted through action songs and coordinated enactments depicting the importance of environmental conservation.


A Fashion Show with a purpose was presented by the children using recycled products like old car tyres, car seat belts, packaging materials, old clothes, news papers etc., and transforming them into unbelievable utility items like shopping bags ,wallets, purses, laptop covers, I-pad covers ,pouches, bag packs and sling bags. The boys walked the ramp and posed on stage with the different bags with confidence and style. The show was enjoyed and appreciated by all.

The children took a pledge to do their bit to save the Earth. The programme ended with a presentation of articles made by the children to the Headmistress who concluded the assembly with an inspiring speech. She reiterated the importance of Environment Conservation through the 3Rs. She encouraged and applauded the little ones for the excellent performances.


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 31 Mar 2019 |