Outreach Programme Detail

Title : OUTREACH PROGRAMME - CLASS 3 (2018-19)

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop”

-Mother Teresa


We live in a world which is running at a great pace, where everyone is trying to outrun each other and are focused on one thing i.e. “Me”.

In these present times, we are experiencing the greatest imbalance of wealth.

Poverty is the major cause of hunger and it needs to be addressed. The students of class 3 of St. Columba’s school chose the outreach topic- “Poverty and Zero Hunger” as a little step to create sensitivity for the hungry and the needy.

In order to educate and sensitize the students an awareness drive was conducted in the Junior Wing by inviting an NGO “Feeding India”. The volunteers of the organization through their talks/sessions and thought provoking videos on healthy eating and Hunger Free India made the students realize about the importance of food.

As per studies, 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. Asia happens to be the continent with the hungriest people. All the above facts made the children think and ponder that we are among the fortunate few, so we should not only count our blessings, but also reach out to those who need us.

Students were taken for a walk outside the school wherein they were made to observe the surroundings and it was noticed that they made some keen observations. The students came back with mixed thoughts and expressed their ideas and views through write ups and picture drawings.

The school also initiated the idea of reaching out to the poor and needy. Many students along with their parents joined the school teachers and visited the Night Shelter (Rain Basera) near Hazrat Nizamuddin dargah. As a little contribution, freshly cooked healthy food was served to about 80 children. In addition to the above, dry food items collected by class 3 students were also distributed to the underprivileged children.

The experience of going out of their comfort zones and meeting the needy in their environment, had a plethora of emotions going in their little heads. On one hand they were thankful to the almighty for the things they have but on the other hand they felt sorry for the situation of the children who were in need. They also felt the need to avoid the wastage of food. The boys were inspired that as citizens of the world, we have a responsibility towards everyone who is in need of our help.

As a part of the outreach programme, the boys were made aware about The Sustainable Development Goals which address the global challenges including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, peace and justice. One of the 17 goals is “Zero Hunger” which aims to address the pressing need of hunger and malnutrition to achieve a better and more sustainable future.


The outreach program was undoubtedly an eye opener for the little minds. A joint venture which involved students, parents and teachers to serve others with their little act of kindness to meet the struggle of hunger and poverty. The outreach opened the hearts of the little ones towards their brothers and sisters in need. May be the world can finally achieve the target if we can do our bit and serve others.


“Love is not patronizing and charity isn't about pity, it is about love. Charity and love are the same -- with charity you give love, so don't just give money but reach out your hand instead.”

? Mother Teresa


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 31 Mar 2019 |