Junior School Events Detail

Title : PARENT ORIENTATION CLASS 3 (16-04-2019)

The orientation programme for class 3 was organised on the 16th of April, 2019 in the Edmund Rice Hall. The aim of the orientation was to give parents a brief outlook about the upcoming session and the different activities that would take place in the academic year 2019-2020.

The honourable Principal, Br. Miranda started the programme by extending a warm welcome to the parents and led all those present into a period of soulful meditation and prayer followed by meaningful interaction.


Following this, Mrs. Kaushal the Head Mistress of the Junior Wing took the charge of affairs. She welcomed the parents and introduced the class 3 team of teachers to them. The session was very interactive and the parents took initiative and expressed their view points.


Through an insightful PowerPoint presentation, Mrs. Kaushal highlighted how parents can effectively facilitate children to become decision makers and problem solvers. Logical and critical thinking can be encouraged among children by fuelling their curiosity through experiential learning thereby sharpening their observational skills in day to day lives. She inspired the parents to build responsibility and instil respect for others among the children.


The Headmistress motivated the parents to be good role models, spend quality time with their children and engage in educative and fun learning activities with them.
She encouraged the parents to discipline their sons fairly and firmly with love and affection. Mrs Kaushal dissuaded the parents to use any kind of physical force or corporal punishment on their wards.She also alerted them to be vigilant about screen time for their sons.


The parents were explained the curriculum and the marking scheme that will be followed in the new academic session. They were also made aware of the various upcoming fun activities and programmes that await the participation of students along with the cooperation of parents. The parents were additionally briefed about the ASSET test that will be conducted for class 3 students this year. Concerns about the misuse of WhatsApp groups were also discussed.

The Child Protection Officer of the Junior Wing, Mrs. Pooja Guglani spoke about the rising need to educate the kids about child sexual abuse. She shared with parents, the various initiatives taken by the school to make the students aware about abuse from the initial years of their schooling. Mrs. Guglani also briefed the parents on how they can talk to their kids about good and bad touch and help their kids become more aware about it.

In the end, Br. Miranda asked the parents to clarify their doubts if they had any and also shared information about the school's financial requirements and asked the parents to give their support and help to the school authorities in the best way possible. Mrs. Kaushal ended the orientation on a positive note with the message 'Without struggles we cannot grow and be successful'.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 16 Apr 2019 |