Middle School Events Detail

Title : INCLUSION WEEK (2019-20)

The Annual Justice Education Workshop was conducted by Ms. Neha Pradhan Arora from the 8th to the 12th of April. The theme for this year was BUILDING INCLUSIVE COMMUNITIES. 28 students from Class 9 participated in a four-day training in which they explored and tried to expand their understanding of community. They also learnt how to identify the values that make an inclusive community and to integrate those values in their personal and school life. The workshop was interactive with games, activities and presentations. The students were much enthused and at the end of the week conducted various activities for the school community – two workshops for the school workers, two sessions for Junior kids, and three assemblies (in the 3 different wings of the school). Ms Arora also conducted sessions for all the teachers and staff, the school management and leadership teams. The Core Team for Justice Education of the school will be taking this work forward in the coming years.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 12 Apr 2019 |