Junior School Events Detail

Title : CLASS ASSEMBLY BY 3A (2019-20)

A special assembly was conducted by the students of class 3A on the 3rd of April 2019 to mark the beginning of the new academic session.


The assembly began on a solemn note by lighting candles as an “offering” to the Almighty Lord. Different objects like a book, a ball, an old uniform, a plant and a Tiffin box with food were placed one by one by the boys. These symbolic offerings to the Lord had meaningful interpretations for the children and the staff.


A special prayer was read for the Principal, the Headmistress, the teachers and students of the school for the new academic session. The students seeked blessings from the Lord as they took the first step to herald the New Year in their respective classes. The prayer session culminated in a beautiful hymn, ‘This little guiding light of mine’, in which the whole class participated holding candles while singing the song.


The assembly had a joyful end with the students exercising to the beats of a foot tapping song. The boys were all smiles and full of excitement on their first day in their respective new classes.


The Principal Br. Miranda congratulated the boys of 3A for the assembly and welcomed the students back to school. The Headmistress Mrs. Ritu Kaushal also praised the boys for the wonderful assembly and told the children to strive to do their best in the new academic session.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 15 May 2019 |