Junior School Events Detail

Title : CLASS ASSEMBLY BY 2A (2019-20)

On 14th May, 2019, the students of Class 2A presented a Special Assembly on the theme 
‘Everyone is special in his own way!’
Dressed up in colourful costumes of birds, the boys enacted the story of a crow who wished to be a swan. Through a short play the boys presented the essence of uniqueness, inherent in each one of us. The message of celebrating the talents and qualities that each one of us is blessed with, came across beautifully through the skit.
The boys emphasised that comparisons with others serve no purpose except giving sadness.  The assembly drew much applause and was appreciated by one and all. The students of class 2A presented a lively song with actions- ‘The time to be happy is now!’ - motivating all to rejoice each moment of our lives. Finally, the PT masters of the class led all the students into rhythmic exercises with music. Thereafter the ‘Birthday Boys’ were wished and entire junior wing was ready to face another exciting new school day.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 23 May 2019 |