Junior School Events Detail


On 19th July 2019, class 2-D presented their special assembly on the topic “Making the world a better place “. The world is in dire need of good human beings. So the topic was apt to create awareness among the students about the different virtues they need to practice. The introduction was followed by a prayer which focused on seeking help from the Almighty to be caring to everything around. The students beautifully depicted love, share, help, building relationships and the importance of prayer through colourful placards, props and short acts. Thereafter, a hymn ‘Behold what manner of love’ was mellifluously sung by the students. The children projected their talents as wonderful actors, melodious singers and confident speakers. The highlight of the assembly was to try and practice these virtues in our everyday lives as the person who tries, never loses. The assembly came to an end with a fitness jig on a lively song Hokey Pokey which the students immensely enjoyed. The Headmistress, and all teachers present, appreciated the effort of the boys.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Aug 2019 |