Outreach Programme Detail

Title : OUTREACH PROGRAM (2019-20)

As a part of their outreach program, the boys of class 9-B went to the Jeevan Jyoti orphanage founded by the Mother Teresa foundation, on Friday the 2nd of August 2019. They were accompanied by their class teacher Mrs. M Mathews.

The experience that the boys had was very touching. It made them realize the blessings that they have in the form of good health, parents, loving families, good homes etc. It made them understand the privileged lives they lead.

It was a big eye-opener for all of us when we interacted with the children and got to know more about them and their lives. It also made them appreciate the humanitarian attitude the sisters possessed as they cared for then children with a smile.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 02 Aug 2019 |