Middle School Events Detail


A special assembly was organised by class 7C on 30th July 2019. The theme for the assembly was 'Posifive Thinking'. The students presented a small acfivity to show how the percepfion of a posifive person di?ers from the percepfion of a negafive person. Students also presented an inspiring speech on the bene?ts of posifive thinking and being happy. The students also presented a group song about happiness and posifivity. Each student of the class parficipated in the assembly. Apart from that, a student Aditya Narayana was presented an award from Mrs Sheel for his Great performance in Mind war  compefifion.

Mrs pal congratulated all the students of 7 C for their e?orts and healthy parficipafion. The assembly ended with school anthem.


Regards : Shashank Sharma

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 09 Aug 2019 |