Workshop Detail


FilmIt is a multi-cultural project that aims to develop children’s minds by giving them an opportunity to showcase their talent through movies. INTACH aims at preserving and restoring heritage in every form, tangible or intangible.

Every year we get a chance to be a part of the workshops organised by INTACH. Students from classes 6-8 are engaged in this activity. Two workshops are conducted every time-Content and Technical.

I was accompanied by three students to attend the Content workshop on 24th July 2018. Mr. Feisal Alkazi, a renowned theatre person and a great author guided us as to how to visualise and develop our story. As films are a powerful medium to convey the message, we were boosted with a lot of confidence to make one.

On 25th July we attended a Technical workshop conducted by the technical experts Mr.Ankit Pogula and Ms Shreya Kakria (renowned award winning filmmakers of the Tuning Fork Films).

After developing our storyline we were taught about the technical aspects of filming. It was a very enriching experience as the students learnt about the Technical know how in this workshop. Students were educated about the different camera angles and shots. Various tips were shared on how to stabilize a camera while filming a movie. Visuals, voiceovers, dialogues and music play a very crucial role when editing a movie using the various softwares.

This workshop was an entertaining and a great learning experience. It was useful in igniting the passion in our young aspiring film makers. We hope to make wonderful films this year as well and put to use all that we have learnt.

The accompanying students were:

  • Karmanya Sharma - 7E
  • Aaryan Singh - 7B
  • Anugrah Singh - 8D
  • Yashwardhan Jha - 8C
  • Aditya Das - 8D

Manu Kalra
25/07/2018, New Delhi

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 25 Jul 2018 |