Workshop Detail


To spread awareness about addiction and truth about drugs, the counselors Mrs. Sangeeta Tripathi & Mrs. Aarti Bardhan, of middle school arranged a series of workshops on this very sensitive topic in collaboration with Mind Solace and Drug Free World, India for the students of classes 4 to 10. Our students were informed about various facts related with drugs and its impact on human metabolism. Drug prevention booklets were being distributed among students. Students took an oral pledge to keep themselves, their families, society and their country drug free. Boys signed on a pledge board also stating their promise to keep drugs away from their lives. Along with drugs the impact of various other kinds of addiction was also discussed.

Details of these workshops are as follows:

  • Awareness About Drugs: Series of Workshops for classes 4 to 10
  • Class 9 & 10: 11th April, 2019, conducted by Mr. Victor John, from Mind Solace
  • Class 8: 12th April, 2019, conducted by Ms. Tarunpreet Kaur from Drug Free World India
  • Class 4 & 5: 16th April, 2019, conducted by Mr. Avi Vatsa from Drug Free World, India
  • Class 6 & 7: 23rd April, 2019, conducted by Mr. Devidasan from Drug Free World, India.

Reported By:
Mrs. Aarti Bardhan
Mrs. Sangeeta Tripathi

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 23 Apr 2019 |