Workshop Detail


In order to train our prefects, the leadership programme was conceptualised by Mrs Sangeeta Tripathi. Mrs Aarti Bardhan, Mrs Rajshree Vipin and Mrs Poornima Dhasmana with the help of Fortis Healthcare counsellors under the guidance of Dr Sameer Parikh.

The training is geared towards our young leaders at school from classes 4 to 10, who will be groomed and mentored to develop relevant leadership skills. The programme is distributed in the following four modules, which will be conducted during academic session 2019-2020:

  • Understanding leadership-know your leadership style
  • Communicate effectively-problem solving and decision making as skills
  • Building teams-harnessing trust in others
  • Resilience – effective coping and self care

The first module i.e., "Understanding leadership - know your leadership style" has been conducted on 10/5/2019 in the Middle school which was attended by Mrs Vipin, Mrs Sangeeta Tripathi, Mrs. Bardhan, Mrs. Montario, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. A Shaw and Mrs. Pant.

Reported by:
Mrs. Sangeeta Tripathi
Mrs Aarti Bardhan

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 10 May 2019 |