Workshop Detail


As a part of staff DM Training, our Principal Bro.Miranda had organized a training program on Fire Safety for the staff of all three sections (Senior, Middle & Junior). It was held in the MS auditorium on 5th April 2019. The program began with an informative talk by Mrs.Gail Periera with the help of a Power Point Presentation. The video shown on Fire Drill of a school was an Eye opener for all.

The Fire Officer who came from the Delhi Fire Service gave us a detailed talk on Causes of fire, Methods of extinguishing, Types of fire etc. At the end, we went out to an open space where a live-demo was shown of extinguishing Type A fire. We were also taught how to use the fire extinguisher. Bro. Miranda, Mrs. Sheel and few teachers tried their hands on the extinguisher.

It was an enriching experience for all of us.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 05 Apr 2019 |