Workshop Detail


‘Setting of goals and targets is the first step in achieving them!’

Mr. Shashank Veera conducted a training for three teachers: Mrs. Latika Bhasin, Mrs. Pooja Arora and Ms. Caroline Utarid of Junior Wing and 6 other teachers from middle and senior wings in April 2019 to effectively track the performance of the students and the teachers.

This was an initiative to enable teachers to implement new strategies effectively to improve student‘s and teacher‘s performance.

The teaching staff was provided with the student‘s performance data for the year 2018-2019 (2nd term) to make projections for the 1st term of 2019-2020.

During the comprehensive training session, Mr. Shashank Veera explained how to seek information, access, analyse and evaluate the data.

He further suggested that from the year 2019, creating the Radar diagram in Excel would be the best way to track the performance of every student in Junior school over a period of four years, i.e., KG to Class 3.

Through the Radar diagram, the performance of every child in every subject could be easily mapped over the years.

It is the best tool to measure the understanding of multiple concepts in one graphical representation.

These projections would be crucial tools in setting targets of student‘s performance improvement and incorporating effective teaching techniques.

All the data points and parameters in discussion with the Junior Wing Headmistress, Mrs. Ritu Kaushal, will further be shared with the Redox team.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 15 Apr 2019 |