Workshop Detail


"Tell me and I forget,
Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn

On 16th July, 2019 the staff of Junior Wing, St. Columba's School had a workshop on the different ways of using teaching aids and getting the whole class involved in the learning process.

The workshop was conducted by Mrs. Kaur who had brought many colorful, interactive and meaningful items to aid the teaching process. She helped the teachers understand how a single teaching aid can be used to teach various concepts. There was an elaborate presentation about using attractive teaching aids to grab the attention of students. She showcased ways to make the classes interesting and fun for the learners. She emphasized on the concept of - 'Learning by doing' and presented different types of teachings aids that can be used in all subjects including Hindi. Mrs. Kaur emphasized on every child using their own teaching aids rather than sharing one among four-five students. Throughout the session Mrs. Kaur gave insights to the teachers to plan teaching various concepts with strategic time management. In the end, she conducted a demonstration session using 'Calendar Boards' and 'Story Boards'. She stressed on involving students to create their own stories and improve their speaking skills. The whole session was interactive and very informative for the teachers.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 16 Jul 2019 |