Workshop Detail


Date - 6th August 2019
Venue - Middle Section

Resource Members-Manju Thukral, Simi Handa and Bhavika Gidwani-Coordinator - Enrichment Centre

An interactive orientation session was conducted by the team of special educators in the Middle Section for the new staff members. The session aimed at creating awareness among the new staff about the children with special needs under their care and the system of inclusion that exists in SCS.

The coordinator of Team Enrichment, Bhavika Gidwani, initiated the session and encouraged the staff members to share their understanding of the children with special needs. The Coordinator also shared a glimpse of the inception as well as the team's commitment to walk towards inclusion, guided by the principles of "compassion and care" as the team embodies the spirit of the founder Blessed Edmund Rice whose vision has inspired us to strive for providing support for students from the economically and socially marginalized background to enhance their academic as well as socio-emotional skills to groom them into productive members of the society.

Mrs. Manju Thukral and Mrs. Simi Handa shared various aspects pertaining to the structure, the evolution and the academic as well as examination related support system of the Enrichment Centre during the hour-long interaction. They also discussed at length the functioning of the centre, the system of in-house remediation provided by the special educators and the mainstream teachers extended to strengthen the skills of the differently abled students, along with the adherence to the guidelines provided by CBSE.

The staff members shared their concerns pertaining to the challenges faced by them in the classroom while working with children with special needs. The special educators encouraged them to implement strategies of acknowledgement, acceptance and affirmation of the strengths of the students under their care, while constantly implementing teaching strategies that would enhance the academic and socio-emotional skills of the diverse learners to groom them into productive members of the society.

The session was concluded by the Coordinator who urged the teachers to collaborate with the special educators to bring about holistic development of the Columbans. Positive written feedback was shared by the staff members who attended the session. The session was a part of the regular endeavour of the special educators to move towards collaboration with the teaching faculty of St.Columba's School and enhance the skills of the students.

Report prepared by:
Bhavika Gidwani
Team Enrichment

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 06 Aug 2019 |