Workshop Detail


Mrs. Natasha Sehgal and Mrs. P. Dasmana, the Art Teachers of the Junior and Middle Wing attended a workshop titled - 'ARTICULATE' at India International Centre on the 17th of August, 2019. The workshop was organized by Pitambar Publication and Rising Sun Publication.

There was an enriching session to address and discuss the changing academic horizon and focus on the paradigm shift in the way students choose their subjects. Attention was drawn to the fact that more and more students are opting for unconventional new age careers that involve creative thinking.

Several Education Boards in the country also lay stress on the study of art and amalgamation of the subject in the mainstream teaching. It was an effective and thought provoking workshop which exemplified the essence and role of art and related subjects in education. The session culminated with the presentation of art education books to all the guest teachers.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 17 Aug 2019 |