Workshop Detail


Risk management and analysis are vital to child safety and protection in our school. As per the child protection policy of our school, the staff of Junior Wing commit earnestly to the duty towards all the students entrusted in our care. Providing a school environment where all children are safe, secure, valued and respected is our prime motive.


On 12th of September, 2019, a session on Risk Management and Analysis was conducted for teachers of the Junior Wing. The Protection Officer, Junior Wing, Mrs Pooja Guglani detailed a process to identify, list and analyse the various risks involved in the day to day student activities. A PowerPoint presentation was shown to demonstrate processes, strategic planning, evaluation and analysis of various risk factors which need to be used to formulate and adopt specific steps as part of the code of protective behaviour.


Risk management is one of the key elements of an effective planning process. It forms the foundation to prioritise the areas and activities of focus. The session helped the staff to list and work on the consequences of the likelihood of occurrence of accidents or untoward incidents based on the gravity of risk.

A thorough understanding of the risk profile was initiated to decide which strategies, activities and processes will be adopted as precautionary measures. Once the goals were identified and articulated and the measures and targets captured, the risks to their success were identified and assessed. This risk assessment helped to prioritise which key improvement strategies will have the most impact on improving the management of the risks and therefore the likelihood of achieving the goals. There was an interactive discussion among teachers to devise steps to be followed to create a more child friendly environment in the school premises. The teachers were assigned specific areas to assess and analyse risk and categorise them as high, medium or low. This facilitated emphasis on strategies best suited to be put in practice as a part of code of protective behaviour.

The session was an initiation for reviewing the code of protective behaviour and would be followed by further planning and implementation by the staff before the new academic session.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 23 Sep 2019 |