Workshop Detail


Inclusive education is about appreciating each individual’s differences and unique set of strengths and limitations. In St. Columba’s we aspire to appreciate the giftedness of each child entrusted in our care.
Keeping this spirit in view, a workshop was conducted in the Junior Wing by the Special Educator, Ratika Malhotra and the Counselor, Nandita Kalra. The workshop was conducted to sensitize the teachers about various disabilities and behavioural disorders that children face.
The session began with a detailed discussion on key differences between inclusive education and integrated education. Legal aspects pertaining to disabilities, euphemisms for disabilities and inclusion in school were also elaborated. Much attention was drawn on the various disorders that may not be treated and may have lifelong implications. In such a scenario teachers were encouraged to come forward and aid in increasing the functionality of day to day activities for the child.
Through the PowerPoint presentation, the difference between maladaptive and mischievous behavior was discussed. Nandita and Ratika also spoke about the types of behavioural issues that can surface in an individual. They emphasized that a multidisciplinary team consisting of special educators, counselors, parents, medical practitioners and especially mainstream teachers have to collaborate to bring about a change in the student. It was clarified that Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disability where each child with that disability may exhibit different characteristics. Light was thrown upon the difference between ADHD and Autism. The learning problems that manifest due to learning disabilities were also listed out.
Last but not the least, it was explained that even the smallest change in the child’s performance can be called an improvement in his performance. This means that we should not consider their academic performance as the only parameter in the improvement in their skills.
The teachers surely benefited from the enriching session and a much needed awareness was generated regarding sensitivity to deal with students having learning disabilities. 

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 04 Oct 2019 |