Junior School Events Detail


We, at St. Columba’s follow strategic and planned safety procedures to combat the consequences of any disaster related to fire or any other natural calamity in our school premises. Students are regularly trained to follow safety evacuation procedures in case of a disaster. It is our earnest endeavour to prepare our boys to stay calm and protect themselves in any dangerous situation.
As part of the safety and disaster management procedures of the school, a mock fire drill was conducted in the Junior wing of St. 

Columba’s School on the 28th of September, 2019 at 11 a.m. The foyer was selected as the focus area for the mock fire. The moment the siren went off, the boys assisted by the teachers started lining up following the procedures laid down by the Evacuation Process.
The teachers and students started the evacuation procedure following the designated route as per the previous training sessions. The foyer was not used to exit the building.
The students and staff swiftly moved out without any panic or stampede. The class placards were carried by the student representatives from the respective classes.
The teachers in the class supervised the movement.
The nurse, office staff and all other employees also moved out.
The helpers ensured no one was left in the washrooms. All the students assembled in the field and stood at the positions allotted to them.

The students who were in the sick bay, joined their classes on the field with the assistance of the nurse. The entire evacuation took 3 minutes. A head count of the students was done by the respective teachers and reported to the DM Team. This ensured that all boys were present and no child was missing.

The Search and Rescue Team was alert and on standby. The nurse was also ready with the First-Aid kit.
Following the successful completion of the Fire Mock Drill, the students and the teachers were asked to move back to their classrooms.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 09 Oct 2019 |