Special Assembly Detail

Title : ASSEMBLY CLASS 3 (2019-20)

“Have only love in your heart for others.The more you see the good in others, the more you will establish good in yourself.”

The students of class 3 presented a meaningful assembly on the 11th of October 2019 on appreciating the good in others. A small skit was staged by the children to bring out the essence of the theme. The boys beautifully explained that finding good in others is such an important part of living positively. Keeping the same thought in mind, a prayer was read followed by a hymn. After the melodious singing, an energising PT exercise was enjoyed by all. The assembly culminated with a short speech by our Principal, Br. Miranda. He addressed the students and emphasised that we must always appreciate the inner qualities of a person and not judge anyone by the outer beauty. He also applauded the children for their performance in the assembly.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 14 Oct 2019 |