Special Assembly Detail

Title : ASSEMBLY CLASS 4C (2019-20)

Morning assembly holds the first position out of all the routine activities held in a school that gives a platform for children to boost their confidence towards public speaking and imbibing a feeling of team spirit in the young minds. Keeping this in mind the students of class 4C conducted their class assembly on 15th October 2019. The topic of the assembly was ‘ BEAT THE POLLUTION AND SAVE EARTH‘.

  The assembly commenced with the morning prayer. The students of class 4C enacted a skit to create awareness among other students about the need of protecting the environment for a  better and brighter  tomorrow.  The play showed the difference between the life style of people who lived during 1950’s  and the people of 2019 and how it has affected the Earth adversely. Our principal Br. Miranda with his words of wisdom  encouraged the students to  work together for this noble cause of protecting our environment. The assembly concluded with the school anthem  sung by the choir boys.

Report prepared by:- Mrs  HIMA  SIMON

Date :- 16-10-2019

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 17 Oct 2019 |