Junior School Events Detail

Title : ENVIRONMENT WEEK (2019-20)

“ There is enough on Earth for everybody’s need,
But not enough for everybody’s greed “
-Mahatma Gandhi

With this noble thought, the Junior School boys came together to celebrate the Environment Week from the 14th of October to the 18th of October 2019. The children were sensitized towards climate change and pollution through various activities. The week long campaign was an earnest initiative to create awareness for the conservation and protection of our environment. The students enjoyed as they participated in nature walks, cleanliness drives and other activities through which they learnt many new things about our environment.

During the week long celebrations, different classes conducted environment themed morning assemblies each day.
The Assembly Area adorned an Environment friendly look with posters, slogans and students dressed up in colourful dresses. The boys took over the stage to present meaningful skits, role plays, poems and songs, thereby spreading the motto of a cleaner and greener world.

The week began with the students of Class 3 staging an entertaining assembly highlighting the ways to safeguard and protect our Planet Earth. An “Alphabet March” beautifully emphasised how each letter of the alphabet could be used to suggest environment friendly ways. A foot tapping dance performance and a meaningful poem recitation about environment preservation followed, which drew much applause. The assembly culminated with a harmonious song and a prayer, seeking God’s blessings on everybody so that we could all unite to help save this beautiful creation of God.

The following day, the boys of Class 2 came together to promote the ‘Swachch Bharat Abhiyan’ with a message to the youth of India to carry forward the teachings of Mahatma Gandhiji. The boys spoke about the ‘Three Rs’ and urged all to REDUCE the use of plastic, REUSE goods and RECYCLE articles of use to conserve nature. The hummable melody- ‘The Earth Is My Home’ by the school choir captivated the attention of one and all.

The Environment Assembly by Class 1 began on a pious note with a prayer to save the environment and natural resources of our Mother Earth. Students dressed up in colourful costumes recited poems delivering the message of planting more trees and keeping our surroundings clean and green. Through a well choreographed dance on the beats of the song, “We are in it together” -the boys spread the message of their commitment as the protectors of Mother Nature.

The tiny tots from Kindergarten also didn't stay behind and presented a memorable Morning Assembly. Our little ‘Environmental Crusaders’ carried placards and spoke about saving water and paper.
They laid stress on carrying a jute bag for grocery and vegetable shopping. The young columbans gave a beautiful performance on saying “No“ to single use plastic items. Reinforcing the concept the boys spoke about the ill effects of plastic on our environment. The students of KG-D went on a cleanliness drive where the boys wearing gloves and aprons, were on the field picking up each bit of trash to clean up the area.

During the Environment Week celebrations, various environmental issues were discussed and brought to fore through a wide range of fun and interactive educational activities. As part of interesting art and craft activities like “Wealth out of waste”, the boys transformed old bottles, cans, pencil shavings, bottle caps, news paper, used tissue rolls and dried leaves, into beautiful creations such as, photo frames, pen and pencil holders, cards, planters, bookmarks, etc., thus learning to REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE goods.

The boys were taken for nature walks in the school grounds to make them aware of our natural surroundings and feel connected with nature. They did outdoor activities, which was an engaging and enriching learning experience for them.

Mrs Ritu Kaushal, the Headmistress of Junior Wing was all praise for the efforts of the students and motivated all to make simple modifications in our everyday lives and contribute to save the precious natural resources and ensure a healthy future.  

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 23 Oct 2019 |