Sports & Games Detail

Title : ATHLITISMÓS (2019-20)

The spirit of Sportsmanship comes alive as the senior school celebrates sports day.

All they need is a Playground and some set of rules and our boys leave no stone unturned to prove their worth. The field is their passion and sports is their life.

None of the school sessions seem complete until the Sports Day has been celebrated. This is one day that our students specially look forward too. Keeping the spirit of sports alive, the senior school of SCS celebrated their Sports Day on 31st October with great zeal and enthusiasm. Our Chief Guest for the day was Mr Ramit Chennithala a Columban from the batch of 2010. He is at present serving as Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax in the Indian Revenue Service at Nagpur. He was reminiscing his memories from school and was very happy to have witnessed this event.

The senior school sports day was conglomeration of 200,400 and 1500 meter races, tug of war, parents race, ex-columbans race, yoga and above all the march past. Out of the five houses, Brother leonard House was announced the best marching contingent and Brother Crease house won the best house with maximum victories scored by athletes from their house.

The aspect of 2019 Sports Day that stood out was the fact that it was an inclusive one. We had races in which differently abled students participated.

The over-all aura of the day was enthusiasm and energy. It was a great success.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 04 Nov 2019 |