Junior School Events Detail


Evacuation Mock Drills for emergencies such as Fire and Earthquake are scheduled in the school throughout the year to ensure the safety of all students and adults. 
However, these days Lockdown drills are the need of the hour as they are a set of procedures designed to enable the occupants of the premises to familiarise themselves with ways to react at times of a threat posed by an armed intruder or a terrorist.
It is vital that the students and faculty are prepared for such times of potentially dangerous campus emergencies. 
The first such Lockdown Drill in St Columba’s Junior Wing took place on the 16th of October, 2019. The students were given prior explanation about the significance of the this drill and the respective procedures to be followed. The drill began at 8:50 am sharp with the sounding of a 30 second siren. Thereafter, the teachers as per the guidelines and briefing, switched off the lights, latched the doors and windows from inside, drew the curtains and even switched off the smart boards. All students from the field and corridors were escorted back to the respective classrooms. Even those in the washrooms were rushed to the nearest class rooms. The parents and visitors in the foyer were called inside class 1 –E which is next to the foyer. The visitors, helpers or staff members in the office and  staff rooms stayed there only with the doors bolted from inside. 
At the end of 7 minutes, Mrs R Kaushal, the Headmistress of the Junior Wing announced the end of the drill on the intercom and classes resumed. 
The drill was a success as it prepared the staff and students on the procedures to be followed in case of any such eventuality.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 07 Nov 2019 |