Workshop Detail


A workshop on ‘Cancer Awareness’ was conducted by a renowned Consultant Medical Oncologist, Dr. Jyoti Anand on the 8th of November, 2019 in the SCS Junior School for the teaching staff. Cancer being one of the leading causes of death worldwide is a priority for national public health programmes. It is imperative to educate all about the various aspects of this disease. The session was highly informative where the Junior Wing staff got an opportunity to know about the various causes and symptoms of cancer. While elaborating on a high number of cancer cases reported all over India, Dr. Anand spoke about the preventive measures which can be adopted to maintain a healthy lifestyle. She also highlighted that early detection is the key to a much higher chance of recovery from this dreaded disease. The doctor through a PowerPoint presentation, imparted valuable information on cancer where she made the teachers aware that any symptomatic changes regarding our health must be taken with caution and reported for medical consultations. The teachers had a highly educative session and also had their queries addressed by Dr. Jyoti Anand at the end of the workshop.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 16 Nov 2019 |