Workshop Detail


‘The illiterates of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but rather those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn”
- Alvin Toffler

?A workshop titled- ‘Get Set Go’ was conducted by Mrs Sonia Bareja from Scholastic India for the Junior School Staff on the 5th of November, 2019.
The workshop focused on 21st Century Skills and identifying ways to inculcate the same in the students. The facilitator drew the attention of the teachers to the fact that 21st century children consider Information and Communication Technology (ICT) akin to oxygen. ICT is an integral part of their lives and they learn and express through technology. The resource person highlighted that we as educators won’t know what the children would need to know and learn ten years from now, so the spirit of inquiry is the key skill that needs to be inculcated and encouraged among the students.
She subdivided the skills into - Learning, Literacy and Life Skills. These skills are the building blocks for the students’ learning process. Mrs Bareja laid much emphasis on the use of Storytelling in teaching various concepts in the classroom. She highlighted that telling stories is the most fundamental way of communication and also remarked that stories have the power to delight, enchant, inspire, motivate and challenge. Thus stories can form effective tools in inculcating the skills of the 21st century.
The teachers had an engaging session where they interacted with the resource person and drew various insights from discussions.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 21 Nov 2019 |