Workshop Detail


Attended by- Mrs Monika Gulati- Junior Wing 

’Developing Language Skills Through English Text’ 

 On the 22nd of November, 2019 a workshop was organized by Macmillan Education India on the pertinent topic of ‘Developing Language Skills through English Texts.’ The workshop was attended by Mrs Monika Gulati from the Junior Wing.
The day long session was conducted by Mrs. Alka, an educationist who brought to light valuable practical ideas for adopting communicative methodology and improving the effectiveness of English language teaching in schools. The trainer explained the process of how language is acquired and how it can flourish in the classroom if the teachers aim at developing their students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
The importance of
enhancing vocabulary and clarifying the concepts of grammar was also brought to fore. Through examples the trainer spoke about the role of teachers’ preparedness, planning, etc., in contributing to the success of a lesson. She highlighted the significance of intonation, word stress and pronunciation in inculcating speaking and listening skills. There was an interactive discussion about promoting reading skills using interesting and challenging reading texts. The educators were suggested the use of poetry, comprehension texts, etc., to encourage and reinforce creative writing skills among the students. It was an interesting opportunity for the teachers to learn new skills and adapt the same in teaching language.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 18 Dec 2019 |