Special Assembly Detail


“May the LORD give strength to his people! May the LORD bless his people with peace!”  - Psalms 29:11

The students of class 3-B presented a special assembly to mark The Armed Forces Flag Day. The morning began with an introduction about Advent. The essence and significance of the same was explained to the students. Our honourable Principal, Brother Miranda and Junior School Headmistress, Mrs Ritu Kaushal lit the first candle of Advent ushering in the season of festivity and cheer in anticipation of the ‘coming of Christ’.
This was followed by an interesting one-act play where the students beautifully depicted the role played by our Armed Forces in protecting and safeguarding our country. The actors expressed their gratitude and saluted the sacrifices of our selfless soldiers. They spread the message of donating generously for the welfare of our retired soldiers, their families, war widows, etc. This was followed by an entertaining dance performance where our young Columbans dressed as soldiers paid a tribute to the unsung heroes of our country. The choir boys presented the hymn ‘Never Give Up !’ impressing one all.
Brother Miranda and Mrs Kaushal applauded the efforts of the boys and encouraged them to always acknowledge and appreciate the sacrifices of our country’s Armed Forces.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 18 Dec 2019 |