Special Assembly Detail


“It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open the doors of hope.”

The children of class 3 A presented a meaningful assembly on the 19th of December, 2019 on Advent. God’s presence was invoked by the boys expressing gratitude for His blessings in our lives. The boys carried placards of the letters of the word-“Blessing”, emphasising its meaning. There was an interesting explanation of how Advent is celebrated to welcome the Christ. The significance of the four candles were also highlighted. Children carried cut outs of the four candles of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. 

Our respected Principal, Brother Miranda, Junior Wing Headmistress Mrs Kaushal, Ms Ratika and Mrs Dey lighted the candles followed by a soulful prayer and a melodious hymn on Advent by the choir. 

The students staged an endearing short play thus bringing out the essence Christmas. The air was full of Christmas cheer with the choir boys singing Christmas Carols. The Christmas dance which followed further added to the celebrations. Brother Miranda and Mrs Kaushal wished all a Merry Christmas and applauded the efforts of the boys. The assembly ended on a happy note as the boys of Class 3 A, all dressed in red Santa caps and red mufflers, ushered in the festive season of Christmas bidding adieu to the year gone by and welcoming in the New Year.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 Dec 2019 |