Junior School Events Detail


‘Good players inspire themselves, great players inspire others ! ‘

Sometimes a single count may not matter but sometimes it could be the difference between silver and bronze. This is the beauty of sports. As most athletes would agree - "You don’t win the Silver you lose the Gold"
So when its sports practice you don’t know how much is too much!

Its been almost 100 days since we inaugurated the Multi-Sports Activity Court which apart from opening a multi activity platform also gave our super star kids multiple avenues to add to their personalities.
Be it badminton, football or basket ball, our student enthusiasts are keen to give their best shot for team selections and trials. It’s a sheer delight to see them sweat it out at the court.

Sports teaches a culmination like no other lesson in life does  Leadership, discipline, resilience and teamwork to name a few; an all in one shot to the basket that could score 3 points, one right pass at the right time to enable the team's striker to get the best shot at the goal post.

It’s surreal to experience how within a team of students, a leader emerges and decides what’s the strategy to score the next goal. The team follows it to the ’T ’ and gets the winning score. But not always as we have the other team who loses the match but doesn’t lose heart. They are back to the court to fight another battle; to face another challenge; to learn from past mistakes with a new zeal and enthusiasm.

This Multi-Sports Activity Court built by the generous contributions of the Ex Columbans of the Batch of 1979, holds a truly fertile ground to impart much deeper and greater lessons which would stay with our students for life.

Its as if the court is a playground of life where we are teaching the boys what it takes to display sportsmanship and practice ethical, gracious and fair play while participating in a game and accepting defeat as another opportunity to grow and come out stronger.  


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 23 Jan 2020 |