Special Assembly Detail


‘No problem is bigger than your courage !’- The Tale of Three Fishes.
” I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet.” - Nadia Comaneci
On the 10th of January, 2020 the students of class 3E got the opportunity to present the first assembly ushering in the new year.
The morning prayer evoked the presence of the divine on the fine winter morning followed by a short skit enacted beautifully by the students. The assembly which was based on a story titled ‘The Tale of Three Fishes’ centered around motivating the students to face impending problems and hurdles in life with courage and grit. The enactment in which the students shared about how one should immediately act when he foresees a problem, left all impressed. The skit was followed by a short quiz about the new words learnt during the story presentation. The melodious rendition of a foot tapping action song, ‘It’s a beautiful day !’ set a joyous mood for the school day. The PT exercises by the smart PT masters from 3E energised one and all at the end of the assembly. The Junior School Headmistress, Mrs. Kaushal, shared her views on Child Protection and Safety. She encouraged the students to safeguard themselves and react immediately when they see any danger around them. She appreciated the efforts put in by the students and congratulated them for their wonderful performance.


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 23 Jan 2020 |