Special Assembly Detail


“We Love God by Loving Others”

On the 23rd of January 2020 the students of catechetics got the blessed opportunity to present the morning assembly titled – “We Love God by Loving Others”


The morning had a befitting start with a prayer titled -‘Thanking God for his presence and coming for us”. 


The students presented an interesting short play narrating the story of two brothers John and Tom. The story beautifully depicted how God wants us to make loving choices through the central character, Tom who comforts others and shows affection towards his fellow beings. 


The boys through the enactment delivered an insightful message that-God Says – “Do not understand Me, Trust Me!” 


There was a melodious presentation of a hummable song-“There is a bright new life that’s so exciting...” that mesmerised one and all.  


The assembly was much appreciated by our honourable Principal, Brother Miranda and Junior School Headmistress, Mrs. Kaushal. They applauded the efforts of the boys and encouraged them to follow the teachings derived from the assembly.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 27 Jan 2020 |