Special Assembly Detail


Albert Einstein once said about Mahatma Gandhi,-“
“Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth.”

Gandhi ji has been and continues to be an ever inspiring figure especially for our young Columbans. We unitedly strive to inculcate his true principles of non- violence, peace and truth among our students in the Junior School.

On the 30th of January 2020, on the death anniversary of Gandhi ji, the boys of Class 2 and 3 came up with a special assembly to mark “Martyrs Day”. This day was also the perfect opportunity for the students to pay homage to the brave men who lost their lives fighting for the freedom, glory, welfare and progress of India and to imbibe the teachings of Gandhi ji.

The morning began on a prayerful note with the speakers leading all to the morning prayer. The assembly was based on the famous quote by the Mahatma,-“An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.“ The students staged a presentation depicting three classroom scenes and highlighted Gandhian principles on anger and it’s expression. The young actors left one and all impressed with the crucial message – ‘Never let anger dictate your actions!’

A novel dance presentation on the ways of anger management enlightened the audience and drew much applause.
The assembly had a befitting end with a musical presentation of the song -“Sabarmati Ke Sant” by the Hindi Choir.


Brother Miranda and Mrs Kaushal congratulated the students on their performance and encouraged all to follow in the footsteps of the Mahatma.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 13 Feb 2020 |