Special Assembly Detail


Morning assemblies bring together the staff and students and cultivate a sense of belonging to the school. It’s the perfect time to impart and imbibe new learnings with positivity. 
On the 10th of February 2020, the students of class 1D organised an insightful assembly on Sustainable Development Goals.

These goals, also known as SDGs – are designed to bring people together to improve life around the world. Created by the United Nations, they are a set of common goals to help us overcome global challenges like poverty, inequality, climate change, etc. 


A solemn prayer about our beautiful planet paved the way for a soulful start of the assembly. Through an enthralling short skit, the boys introduced the Sustainable Development Goals to their fellow students. Holding placards with pride the boys stated the 17 goals and spread a message of environmental awareness. 


The conclusion on thoughts about the future was powerful and left the audience contemplating. A captivating dance performance at the end addressed the intent that both the Earth and its species should live and promote a sustainable and healthy environment. Our honourable Principal, Brother Miranda appreciated the assembly and praised the boys by reinforcing the message for future.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 13 Feb 2020 |