Outreach Programme Detail


Date: 17th February, 2020

Venue: Mother Teresa’s Jeevan Jyoti Home, Jangpura, Mathura Road, Delhi - 110014

The students of Class 6-C accompanied by their class teacher and a parent volunteer visited Mother Teresa’s Jeevan Jyoti Home on 17th February, 2020, Monday.

The group set out for the venue at quarter past 9 in the morning and reached there around ten o’clock. The entrance to the Home had Mother Teresa’s statue. As we walked in there were various photographs of hers with children and adults alike, helping them in any manner possible. They were interspersed with some of her famous quotes like – “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” Mother Teresa’s Home at Jangpura is run by the Missionaries of Charity. It is home to around 40 children of age groups 2 to 12. They are constantly taken care of by some volunteers and the Sisters who live there and have dedicated their lives to service. The children spend their time in the different rooms on the first floor. Since there were forty five students of our class and all couldn’t meet the children at once, Sister Maria advised us to form smaller groups. The class was divided into three batches of fifteen students, who were accompanied by Sister, the parent who had gone with the class and the class teacher, respectively. There were four rooms in which some differently abled students were present – the Classroom, Toddlers’ room, Dining room and the Babies’ room. Some of the children could not speak; some could not hear or see; some had problems with their limbs while others faced some psychological issues. There were some helpers in all those rooms who were trying to make them enjoy their time and learn as well. Some of the children played simple versions of musical instruments like a xylophone while some others enjoyed the company of toys and pictorial books. Three students of our class sang songs for the children as well, which they received with a lot of love. After having interacted with the children and their caretakers, we made our contribution of Three Thousand rupees to the Home. Following that, we took their leave and headed back towards our school.

The visit proved to be extremely heartwarming and beneficial as it helped develop the spirit of sensitivity in students. Though the students spent only a few hours with them, the children in the Home made them experience empathy and compassion towards them and all the other ones in need, across the globe. The children and their caretakers’ smiles and positivity instilled a newfound sense of ‘regard’ in the students. The fact that the children in the home were not only abled differently but were orphans as well made the students reflect upon the numerous blessings they have been bestowed with. They returned richer in terms of their humaneness as they were then instilled with the spirit of gratitude, humility as well as service.

Class Teacher: Ms. Simrah Mehmood

Reported by: Ms. Simrah Mehmood

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 20 Feb 2020 |