Outreach Programme Detail


Students of class VI A visited the ‘Missionaries of Charity Nirmal Hriday’ situated at Timarpur, Delhi on 17th feb ,2020. ‘Missionaries of Charity Nirmal Hriday’ was established by Mother Teresa with the sole aim- ‘To give whole-hearted free service to the poorest of the poor’. Missionaries care for the destitute especially the mentally ill, sick children, and differently-abled people.

The students of class VI A presented a short cultural programme which was enjoyed all the people present. Christopher Gomes, a student of class VI A, said that Nirmal Hriday means ‘pure heart’. The people living there had no family and no one to care for them but the sisters and people working there live with them with a pure heart and help them.

Another student Felix Thomas celebrated his birthday with the people and distributed sweets among them. He was very happy and contented to have been able to celebrate his birthday with the people there. He said that this birthday was special for him and he would cherish this memory for a long time.

The students sympathized with the people and felt happy to spend some time with them. They learned that being mentally and socially fit does not mean being ‘normal‘, but it is a privilege given to them by god. They also learned and experienced the happiness which comes when one helps the other with a pure heart and without expecting anything in return. They understood that it is their duty to help the people less privileged. This was a win-win experience for all; while the inhabitants of Nirmal Hriday were made to feel special, the students got the opportunity to learn the practical lesson of love and care.


Reported by : Mrs. Sushma Gupta

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 20 Feb 2020 |