Special Assembly Detail


The bright morning of the 17th of February, 2020, had a joyous start as the boys of class 2B came together to present a special morning assembly on the most treasured emotion of the human heart-‘LOVE’. The enthusiasm was palpable as the boys carrying ‘heart shaped’ cutouts, presented a short introduction on Valentine's Day and spoke about how St. Valentine spread love across the world in the light of God. The beautiful emotion of love was skillfully depicted through a skit where the boys enacted a classroom scene highlighting how deep love touches the heart and how it echoes the goodness and happiness around us. A bible verse from the book of 1 Corinthians was read by a student with attractive placards to emphasize the significance of love in our lives followed by a beautiful prayer. The assembly ended with the students singing an adorable song - " I love you, your button nose..." while grooving to the beats. The theme of the assembly touched a chord with all the teachers and students present and reinforced that each child is important and special in his own way. Brother Miranda and Mrs Kaushal appreciated the presentation and applauded the efforts of the students.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 Feb 2020 |